1. Highbush Blueberries — These are the most common and widely cultivated variety of blueberries. They range in size from small to large and have a sweet-tart flavor.
2. Lowbush Blueberries — Also known as wild blueberries, these are smaller and more intense in flavor than highbush blueberries. They are often used in baking and making jams.
3. Rabbiteye Blueberries — This variety is well-adapted to warm climates and is popular in the southern United States. Rabbiteye blueberries have a sweet and mild flavor.
4. Southern Highbush Blueberries — This hybrid variety is a cross between highbush and rabbiteye blueberries. They are popular in regions with mild winters and have a sweet and juicy flavor.
5. Half-High Blueberries — These are a hybrid between lowbush and highbush blueberries. They are smaller in size and have a sweet and tangy flavor.
6. Pink Blueberries — These blueberries have a pink or light red color and are sweeter than traditional blueberries. They are visually unique and popular for their flavor.
7. Wild Blueberries — Found in colder regions, wild blueberries are smaller and have a more intense flavor compared to cultivated varieties. They are often picked in the wild and used in baking and cooking.
Dr. Sarah Smith is a blueberry expert and author of BlueberryExpert.com. She has been growing and studying blueberries for over 20 years. Her research has focused on the different varieties, growing techniques, and nutritional content of blueberries. She is passionate about helping people to grow their own healthy blueberries and has been a leader in the industry for many years.Dr. Sarah Smith